last update 03/2005PLAINLY PUT:
a work in progress feel free to add or ask using methods listed at the end of this list.a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s
Ablation = the removal of a body part, often by surgeryAlien limb phenomenon = dystonia = extreme muscle cramp resulting in loss of movement with limb
in permanent cramp - also seen it described as the sense that your limb is no longer under your control
and pretty much does at it pleasesAspiration = to breathe take in liquid or solid
Aspiration pneumonia = developing pneumonia as a consequence of aspiration
Ataxia = movement disorders
Athropy = wasting or withering
Atypical features = not normal
Autonomic dysfunction. = unable to control function which should not require thought (breathing,
heart rate, thermoregulation)
Candiasis = yeast infection, yeast needs moist warm places, can affect any number of body parts - most obvious Thrush, a white coating on tongue and throat - not treatable with anti-biotics, treated as a fungus, or by adding good' bacteria to your diet (Acidophilus - in yogurt, buttermilk or live culture supplement)Cerebellar signs = concerned primarily with somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone and
the maintenance of balanceCerebellar = pertaining to loss of somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone and the maintenance of balance
Cerebellar dysfunction= somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone and the maintenance of balance are not working
Chronic = ongoing
Contractures = cramps
Cortical-basal ganglionic degeneration = CBGD
Cortical sensory loss =
Cortical reflex myoclonus =
Diffuse Lewy body disease (LBD) = Ken Smith had this - much like MSA symptom wise, Lewy
Bodies can be imaged like lesions, but more obscureDrug induced = caused by drugs
Dysautonomia = autonomic failure = automatic functions of the body do not work properly like
temperature and OHDysphagia = speech or swallowing difficulties
Dystonia = extreme muscle cramp resulting in loss of movement with limb in permanent cramp
Edema = swelling of tissue due to excessive fluid buildup (swollen feet, ankles, abdomen)Encephalitis lethargica = viral brain infection (sleeping sickness)
Focal rigidity =
Hederodegenerative diseases = (Wilson's, Hallervorden-Spatz, Huntington's disease, etc.)Hederodegenerative disease. = some sort of ivy shaped nerves I think
Hepatocerebral degeneration =
HIV = AIDS - Human Immunodeficient Virus - AIDS refers to the later stages
Hospice = palliative care for those with progressive and terminal illness where the emphasis is on
comfort of the patient, not treatment/cureHydrocephalus = water on the brain
Hyper = over
Hypertense = high blood pressure
Hyperthermic = above normal temperature
Hypervolemic = too much blood volume
Hypo = under
Hypotense = low blood pressure
Hypothermic = below normal temperature
Hypothyroidism = underfunctioning thyroid
Hypovolemic = too little blood volume
Ideomotor apraxias =Infection = hope we know that - just to be sure - caused by bacteria, will show on culuture and treated
with anti-bioticsInflammation = swelling, redness, irritation (eg urinary inflammation due to retention, in sufficient
urine production, stones etc.) - can not be treated with anti biotics - treating the sources and anti-inflammaroty medications (Aspirin or Tylenol) may offer some reliefIntellectual = thought processing ability
Intracytoplasmic oligodendroglial inclusion body =
Long-tract signs =
Marked asymmetry of involvement = one side of body affected more than the otherMass lesions = scarring all over (from demyelating disease etc.)
Olivopontocerebellar atrophy (parkinsonism with cerebellar dysfunction) or OPCA = disease affecting
movement, and balance problemsOrthostatic hypotension = blood pressure falls (at least 20 points) when patient rises to a sitting or
standing position
Palliative = care of patient with focus on quality of life not extension of lifeParaneoplastic = pertaining to hormonal, neurological, haematological, and other clinical and
biochemical disturbances associated with malignant neoplasms but not directly related to invasion bythe primary tumour or its metastases - plainly put due to the spread of cancerPick's disease = predominant feature is frontal lobe dementia (personality changes etc.)
Prion disease = like mad cow disease - the Prion is neither virus nor bacteria the word Prion descrtibesa specific type of organism, it does not react to antibiotic or other treatment, it is a contagion (can be passed on - like eating infected meats) actually most Parkinson's Plus disorders fit description - of the symptoms not the disease process
Progressive = gets worse
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy or PSP = degenerative neurological disorder characterized by speech and gait problems, difficulty gazing upward, with no intellectual impairment
Progressive pallidal atrophy =
Pulmonary edema = fluid buildup in body cavity affecting lungs and breathing
Pulmonary = to do with the lungs
Pyramidal =
Pyramidal signs =
Respiration = to breathe, take in oxygen (gas)
Secondary Parkinsonism = second to another medical condition, medication or toxin (poisin)Shy-Drager Syndrome (MSA with primarily autonomic dysfunction). = automatic functions not
working properly (OH, temperature control bladder incontenence, digestion, heart rate, allergic
reactions, saliva and tear production)Somatic = to do with the body, physical
Sporadic = all over the place, unpredictable
SSPE = subacute sclerosing panencephalitis = ask a neuro
Striatonigral degeneration (parkinsonism poorly responsive to levodopa and frequently associated with cervical dystonia) = cervical dystonia = rigid back= rigidity
Subcortical dementia = relating to the subcortex; beneath the cerebral cortex.
Supine hypertension = blood pressure rises when patient lays down (normally it should go down)
Syndrome = constellation of symptoms
Syringomesencephalia =
Toxins = poinson, cadmium would be an example - drugs such as opiates are considered here alsoTrauma = blow to the head for example, or life altering experience
Vascular = to do with blood and it's circulation
last update 03/2005Always question - for medical and alternative therapies: http://www.quackwatch.org
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last update January 2005
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