Golok Buday
Gölök Budayback to topTerminal City [Weekly] Apr.23-29, 2004; Re: Welfare Switcheroo: You Don't Want To Live Like A Refugee.
Clearly the BC Liberals rather (with the exception of officiating substance abuse as a weakness not a disability) see people suffer and consumers lost out of desperate measures so as to look fiscally responsible as the "free enterprise party" they are not (maybe they meant they wanted a program to build the Enterprise with the Canadian space program *wedgie*), like the cartoon character , Duckman, said as a ruler of a third world Island, "Great! I'll need useless social programs to cut when I pretend to be fiscally responsible," on any account, I digress and offer something the ministry of opposition [NDP] [Fed. (Anarcho-Corp) Con] and protesters seem to lack, a solution, a system change with cuts, but where they are needed the most. Bureaucratic cuts, Public Service Union Bans, A Welfare System that is repayable after it's no longer needed without interest rates, but with billing fees (paper and printing and administrative cost; it shouldn't go beyond 5 to 10 dollars a bill; maybe even 1 a bill.). I would see a housing solution for those on drugs, it's called a cross-the-board NIMBY: Prison.
As for temporary or permanent disability(s) [This may include not being a member of a secret society and maybe being a white looking person with black ancestry.] I'd definitely increase the rolls and make it a health issue rather than a welfare system problem, perhaps see the rolls increase to current disability levels (time limited to two years) for welfare and disability to; well come to think of it average rent might be $700, minimum bills phone (40ish) and power (40ish) and perhaps internet (15-19ish) would end up being roughly $100; perhaps walk around would need to be $50 monthly, so $1050 (with 200 for food) as the welfare roll makes sense and Disability should be at least the same for bills, $200 on walk around allowance, $900 for rent, $400 for food (or walk around, one must trust it will be used properly.), it could be called a $600 walk around if it's more simple, this with bills add up to $1600. I'd even prefer this to be suggested as a potential pay back with a billing fee system for when the disabled person, without pressure, finds something they can do and starts working or perhaps regains control of their hostility taken over property. Bus Passes in all instances should be part of the systems and retro-active at least as an offer or at request, no payment or more paperwork, people might find work faster this way and less paper work is less expensive for the taxpayer (this cost could be added to future billings.).
As for refugees, most of these documentation problems are federal/national issues that need to be taken up with the Immigration Ministry/Dept. and I wouldn't expect much from Hedy Fry because she once saw a friend and former client of mine, an Russian Actor named Dima over documentation issues and sudden changes of heart on status and she threw him out of her office back in the 1990s rather than deal with the problem. Now to really make sure things work out BC has to collect it's own taxes directly and not rely on the Nats in Ottawa to send less that they get from us back. Also cut all corporate, arts, humanities, entertainment, sports, non-profit, science welfare.
What does all this do? Well it lessens tax burdens, it makes sure only essential workers get work (in a sense make the unessential cheaper on welfare as they are), it boosts recipient moral, because it is no longer free money, just an interest free loan, and it guarantees that all revenue collected for BC stays in BC. I'll add my opposition to the PST and GST and all other consumption taxes and levys just for the hell of it and conclude that it also keeps people at a more livable level and as consumers who can pick and choose consumption (tastes and purchases) of their choice themselves with everyone else [preferably with banned monopolies and stocks and other gambling, plus banned secret(ive) societies and their affirmative action.] and more freedom. From what I have learned from my tallying things up, it has occurred to me, that politicians rarely, if ever, pay for things themselves.
Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday
Vancouver, BC
The Voltairian News Service/Wire & TMET
Freelance Writer [The Absent Mind];
Humorist; Mental Patient